Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Genre Choice for film

Through our little research of genre process, we researched 3 genres such as, thriller, drama, and horror. The actual genre we will be using falls under thriller, and horror and drama happen those of the genres that are related to thriller. The reason we chose to categorize our film into this genre is because you can literally do so much with this. You can have really any storyline to create a great thriller movie I believe out of the three genres thriller jumped out at us more is because one of my favorite movies happens to be “ Taken.” The movie is so suspenseful, so action packed, and the storyline is amazing. Taken also happens to be a trilogy so that’s 3 movies of and related to the same central idea from the first movie. And I think that's what I liked most is how as a filmmaker you are able to tell a story, not only in complete separate movies, but still making it interesting and not losing focus. That to me is what makes a great film. I feel we may need to tweak our pitch just a little. Only because the the storylines seems to be going a little shaky and is not so much thriller. Our pitch is of someone walking to their car more specifically a woman then she gets kidnapped and implement a huge plot twist. I feel as if we need to make sure we add detail before this turn of events happen to capture the true feelings. Once we’ve made that minor adjustment come film day, well actually before then, I believe we will have a really good film.

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